Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I need to pick up my child early from school?

Send a note to school with your child stating the time for dismissal and the reason. Students should bring the note to the Mrs. Karch in the main office before school starts.  They will then be given a pass to get out of their class at the specified time. The pass should be shown to the appropriate teacher at the beginning of that period.  The student will then leave that class at the time listed, bring the pass to the main office, and wait in the main office for a parent/guardian to pick them up. It is important to send the note so that Mrs. Karch will have your child in the main office when you arrive. This will alleviate the need to disturb the class by calling into the room. You must come to the main office to sign your child out. We will not allow students to leave the building unaccompanied. If the student will be coming back to school after an appointment, they should come to the main office where they will sign themselves back in and be issued a pass to their next class.

What do I do if my child will be absent for more than three days or is going on vacation during school?

Contact our Absent Verification line at 201-670-2780 x1 and leave a message stating the dates your child will be absent. If your child will be home sick, please make arrangements to get your child's homework by emailing Email Mrs. Terry Caliendo, Guidance Secretary. If your child is absent for less than three days, please arrange for a classmate to deliver his/her homework.

How do I know if my child is too sick to go to school?

Visit our "Health Office" section on our website for information when a child is too sick to be in school. You'll also find information there on health screenings, physicals, and medical forms.

 If I have a problem or concern do I speak with a guidance counselor or a unit administrator?

  • Contact a guidance counselor for social issues, counseling, overall student performance, planning or placement, questions about clubs or activities, or class schedules.

  • Contact a unit administrator with questions about the curriculum, school events, or class or school issues.

Who do I speak to if I have a question about a test grade?

Talk to your child first and then call or email the teacher. If you still have concerns, speak to the house administrator.

What do I do if I need to give my child an important message?

Please communicate with your child in the morning about any changes to their day.  Also, have your child check their cellphones before leaving school at the end of the day for any important message that you need them to see.  Only if it is a true emergency, please call Email Mrs. Karch at 201-670-2780 x30531 and she will get a message to your child.

Who do I contact if I want to leave a message for a teacher?

Contact the teacher via email.  This is the quickest way to get a message to them.

Who do I speak to if there's a busing problem?

Contact Email Ms. Marie Alexander at 201-670-2700 x10537

Who do I contact if I have a question about:

My 6th grader?

Contact Mrs. Mahoney at 201-670-2780 x 30555

My 7th grader?

Contact  Mrs. Sheer at 201-670-2780 x30556

My 8th grader?

Contact Mrs. Wearley at 201-670-2780 x30559

The lunch program?

Contact Email Ms. Christopher at 201-670-2780 x30530

Medical issues?

Contact Email Ms. Reilly at 201-670-2780 x30520

HSA activities?

Email Anna Salerno and Deanne Dunn